Prima Meat Packers Group Procurement Policy
Our vision is to contribute to food culture and society through great taste and excitement. This means that, as well as achieving sustainable business growth for our own corporate group, we aim to contribute toward a more sustainable world. To that end, our procurement activities must be responsible, meaning that we must procure raw materials, parts, and products that are safe and kind to the environment and society, based on trusting relationships with business partners and other parties in our supply chain and a spirit of mutual prosperity. This policy is designed to achieve this goal.
1. Securing safe, reliable food
In our procurement activities, we will place utmost importance on securing safe, reliable food in accordance with our Food Safety Policy.
2. Concern for the environment across our supply chain
In our procurement activities, we will endeavor to minimize the carbon footprint across our supply chain, contribute to a circular economy, and contribute to a society that co-exists with nature, in accordance with the code of conduct in the Prima Meat Packers Group Environmental Policy.
3. Collaborating with business partners
To promote sustainable procurement right across our supply chain, we will engage with all business partners and other parties so that they understand this policy and work with us to implement it in practice.
4. Addressing animal welfare
We will procure from suppliers who protect the Five Freedoms (five aspects of animal welfare for animals under human control) defined by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and who provide a comfortable environment for their animals.
5. Respect for internationally recognized human rights
In our procurement activities, we will, in accordance with the Prima Meat Packers Group Human Rights Policy, respect and observe international standards and attitudes on human rights and try to rid our supply chain of discrimination, unfair labor practices, and workplace bullying and discrimination.
6. Complying with laws and societal norms, ensuring proper and equitable trade
We will observe laws and societal norms in all our domestic and international transactions to ensure that our trading practices are proper and equitable. We will safeguard confidential business information that we learn in the course of our procurement activities.
Prima Meat Packers, Ltd.
Established September 04, 2023
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