プリマハム ロゴ


プリマハム ロゴ


ESG Databank

E | Environment

Data FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Number of internal auditors on the environmental management system ISO 14001 (People) 145 154 149 168 183
EcoAction 21 (People) 21 41 48 47 73
Energy consumption※2 Energy consumption※1kℓ oil equivalent) 63,699 64,408 68,408 70,019 69,191
Energy consumption per unit※1(ℓ/ton) 262 262 268 269 274
Group-wide(kℓ oil equivalent) 89,867 92,399 90,936
GHG emissions※2 GHG emissions※1(t-CO2e) 128,943 127,544 127,723 134,852 130,765
GHG emissions per unit※1(kg CO2/ton) 531 519 500 519 518
Group-wide, Scope 1(t-CO2e)※6 138,327 133,693 140,251
Group-wide, Scope 2(t-CO2e)※6 98,687 108,671 102,790
Group-wide, Scopes 1 and 2
237,014 242,365 243,041
Renewable energy consumption※3(MW) 471 427 405 464 3,251
Amount of transportation energy Amount of transportation energy(kℓ oil equivalent) 4,165 4,302 5,863 4,925 5,005
Amount of transportation energy per unit(kℓ/kt) 5.34 5.41 6.98 5.81 6.04
Waste output Waste output※1(ton) 40,559 40,960 43,249 43,362 36,473
Waste output per unit※1(kg/ton) 167 167 169 167 144
Group-wide(ton) 43,530 47,432 41,431
Recycling rate(%)※4 83 85 85 84 86
Water consumption Mains water※1(km3 790 1,396 1,412 1,428 1,466
Well-water※1(km3 1,142 2,539 2,522 2,546 2,482
Mains water + well-water※1※5(km3 1,905
Water consumption per unit※1(m3/ton) 15.8 16.0 15.4 15.3 15.6
Group-wide (km3 5,255 5,325 5,610
  • ※1 This figure pertains to the following 22 plants: Prima Meat Packers’ four plants, Prime Delica Co., Ltd.’s 12 plants, Akita Prima Foods Co., Ltd., PrimaFineFoods Co., Ltd., Prime Foods Co., Ltd., Shikoku Foods Co., Ltd., Prima Luca Co., Ltd., and Nishi-Nippon Best Packers Co., Ltd.
  • ※2 Following a detailed analysis, we reviewed the energy consumption and GHG emissions data for FY2018–FY2020.
  • ※3 This includes electricity generated from the solar panels in our facilities and electricity we purchased from an electricity supplier under a renewable energy plan.
  • ※4 Applies to Prima Meat Packers’ four plants, Akita Prima Foods Co., Ltd., Prima Fine Foods Co., Ltd., Prime Foods Co., Ltd., Shikoku Foods Co., Ltd., Prima Luca Co., Ltd., and Nishi-Nippon Best Packers Co., Ltd.
  • ※5 The “mains water + well-water” portion pertains to 12 of Prime Delica’s plants. For FY2018, the 12 plants provided no breakdown by type of water consumed.
    1. ※6 The details are as follows.
    2. 1. Period to which the report pertains
      1. April 1 to March 31
        However, the report also covers some actions/initiatives that were either conducted before the period or were conducted recently.
    3. 2. Scope of reporting
      1. Prima Meat Packers :
        Head Office, East Japan Branches (Tohoku, Kanto), West Japan Branches (Chubu, Kansai, Chugoku/Shikoku, Kyushu), Plants (Hokkaido, Ibaraki, Mie, Kagoshima), Logistics centers (Kanto, Mie, Fukuoka)

      2. Group companies :
        Processed foods business: 12 companies in Japan, 4 overseas
        Fresh meat business: 15 companies
        Other: 4 companies

        Processed foods business: 12 companies in Japan, 4 overseas
        Fresh meat business: 14 companies
        Other: 4 companies
    4. 3. Standards for quantifying Scope 1 emissions
      1. 1. Stationary combustion (fuels, heating sources) and mobile combustion (cars, vans, trucks):
        We use the following standards to calculate this:
        Japan’s Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Global Warming Act)
        The Ministry of the Environment’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting and Reporting Manual (GHG manual)
      2. 2. Fugitive emissions (HFC/HCFC leaks):
        We use the following standards to calculate this:
        Japan’s Act on Rational Use and Appropriate Management of Fluorocarbons
        Note that we include in our Scope 1 calculations fugitive emissions from group companies whose annual fugitive emissions total less than 1 kiloton of carbon dioxide equivalent.
      3. 3. Agricultural emissions (CH4 and N20 emissions from hog farming operations):
        We use the following standards to calculate emissions from our group’s hog farming operations—specifically, methane emissions from enteric fermentation, and methane and nitrous oxide emissions from waste and manure management:
        We use the following standards to calculate this:
        Global Warming Act, GHG manual
        Note that we include in our Scope 1 calculations agricultural emissions from group companies whose annual emissions of methane and nitrous oxide total less than 3 kilotons of carbon dioxide equivalent.
    5. 4. Standards for calculating Scope 2 emissions
      1. 1. CO2 emissions from the generation of purchased energy:
        We use the following standards to calculate this:
        Global Warming Act, GHG manual
        For electricity supplied in Japan, we set supplier-specific emission factors for each business site, using the latest emission factors data announced by the Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
        Up to and including FY2020, we used general emission factors. In FY2021, we started using amended emission factors. In FY2022, we started using the supplier-specific amended emission factors announced by the Ministry of the Environment in January 2023.
        For electricity units purchased from overseas suppliers, we use the latest country-specific emissions factors announced by the International Energy Agency (IEA).
        In FY2022, we started using the latest country-specific emission factors announced by the International Energy Agency (in IEA Emission factors 2022).
      2. 2. CO2 emissions from the generation of purchased fuel for heating:
        We use the following standards to calculate this:
        Global Warming Act, GHG manual

S | Social

Data FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Number of internal supervisors of food safety 138 143 155 164 186
Number of companies participating in supplier information sessions 38 28 35 43
Gender representation in middle management (non-consolidated) Male 342 342 345 345 317
Female 4 6 7 10 11
Percentage of women in middle management post (%) 1.2 1.7 2 2.8 3.4
Gender representation in lower management (non-consolidated) Male 158 152 150 154 160
Female 22 25 28 31 34
Percentage of women in lower management post (%) 12.2 14.1 15.7 16.8 17.5
Parental leave take-up Number of men taking parental leave 0 0 5 7 6
Number of men who returned to work after parental leave※1 0 0 5 7 6
Percentage who returned to work after leave 100 100 100
Number of women taking parental leave 9 7 9 15 17
Number of women who returned to work after parental leave※1 9 7 4 9 9
Percentage of women taking parental leave※2 100 100 100 100 100
Percentage who returned to work after leave 100 100 100 100 100
Number of employees who used the shortened working hours system related to childcare 17 21 23 31 41
Employment ratio of people disabilities (non-consolidated) Prima Meat Packers., Ltd※3 2.36 2.24 2.22 2.34 2.36
Legally mandated ratio 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3
Number of employees (non-consolidated) Employees (male) 841 959 973 991 971
Employees (female) 114 170 195 200 206
Non-employees (male) 375 259 247 241 263
Non-employees (female) 584 575 561 575 611
Total 1,914 1,963 1,976 2,007 2,051
Number of new graduate hires and those who have left the company (non-consolidated) New graduate hires 37 62 49 57 57
Those who have left the company※4 2 6 12 7 0
Turnover rate (%) 5.4 9.7 24.5 12.3 0
Average annual salary (non-consolidated) (¥ thousand)※5 7,191 7,251 7,289 7,339 7,789
Take-up rate for paid leave (non-consolidated) Percentage of employees taking paid leave 61 69 55 50 61
  • ※1 This number excludes employees who planned on returning after parental leave but who ultimately never did return.
  • ※2 Rate of female employees who gave birth taking parental leave
  • ※3 Including employees of Prima Luca co., ltd., a special subsidiary that takes initiative for employment of people with disabilities.
  • ※4 Percentage of graduate hires who leave within three years (non-consolidated)
  • ※5 Figures include bonuses and extra wages

G | Governance

Data FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Composition of the Board of Directors※1 Directors 8 9 5 5 6 5
Independent Outside Directors included above 2 2 2 2 3 3
Ratio of independent Outside Directors on the Board of Directors (%) 25 22 40 40 50 60
Number of meetings of the Board of Directors※2 Number of meetings 18 17 15 15 13
Attendance rate (%) 98 98 100 100 100
Number of meetings of the Board of Auditors※2 Number of meetings 16 17 17 17 15
Attendance rate (%) 100 100 100 100 100
Composition of the Executive Advisory Committee※1 Directors 3 3 3 3 4 4
Independent Outside Directors included above 2 2 2 2 3 3
Ratio of independent Outside Directors on the Board of Directors (%) 67 67 67 67 75 75
  • ※1 As of end of June
  • ※2 During the fiscal year (April to March in the following year)