The Prima Meat Packers Group refers to and reports on its sustainability initiatives on the basis of the GRI Standards and SASB Standards.
This comparison table indicates where each disclosure item appears.
- GRI Content Index
- SASB Standards
The GRI Universal Standards
The GRI Topic Standards
The GRI Universal Standards
GRI 2:General Disclosures 2021
Indicator | Location | |
1. The organization and its reporting practices | ||
2-1 | Organizational details | Company Overview |
Status of Shares | ||
Prima Meat Packers Group | ||
2-2 | Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting | |
2-3 | Reporting period, frequency and contact point | Performance / Finance |
2-4 | Restatements of information | |
2-5 | External assurance | Independent third-party assurance report* Japanese version only |
2. Activities and workers | ||
2-6 | Activities, value chain and other business relationships | INTEGRATED REPORT 2023 p.23-31 |
Prima Meat Packers Group | ||
2-7 | Employees | ESG Databank>S | Social |
2-8 | Workers who are not employees | |
3. Governance | ||
2-9 | Governance structure and composition | Corporate Governance System |
Corporate Governance Report (December 4, 2023) | ||
Board of Directors | ||
INTEGRATED REPORT 2023 p. 51 | ||
2-10 | Nomination and selection of the highest governance body | INTEGRATED REPORT 2023 p. 42 |
2-11 | Chair of the highest governance body | Corporate Governance Report (December 4, 2023) |
2-12 | Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts | Sustainability at the Prima Meat Packers Group |
2-13 | Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts | |
2-14 | Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting | |
2-15 | Conflicts of interest | Corporate Governance Report (December 4, 2023) |
2-16 | Communication of critical concerns | |
2-17 | Collective knowledge of the highest governance body | Corporate Governance Report (December 4, 2023) |
2-18 | Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body | |
2-19 | Remuneration policies | Corporate Governance Report (December 4, 2023) |
2-20 | Process to determine remuneration | Corporate Governance Report (December 4, 2023) |
2-21 | Annual total compensation ratio | |
4. Strategy, policies and practices | ||
2-22 | Statement on sustainable development strategy | Top Commitment |
2-23 | Policy commitments | Prima Meat Packers Group Human Rights Policy |
Prima Meat Packers Group Procurement Policy | ||
Code of Conduct | ||
Sustainability Basic Policy | ||
Prima Meat Packers Group Environmental Policy | ||
Food Safety Policy | ||
2-24 | Embedding policy commitments | |
2-25 | Processes to remediate negative impacts | Strengthening corporate governance |
2-26 | Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns | Strengthening corporate governance |
2-27 | Compliance with laws and regulations | |
2-28 | Membership associations | |
5. Stakeholder engagement | ||
2-29 | Approach to stakeholder engagement | Dialogue with Stakeholders *Japanese version only |
2-30 | Collective bargaining agreements |
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021
Indicator | Location | |
3-1 | Process to determine material topics | Process for specifying material issues |
3-2 | List of material topics | Materiality/Metrics and Targets *Japanese version only |
3-3 | Management of material topics | Materiality/Metrics and Targets *Japanese version only |
Topic-specific Standards
Indicator | Location | |
201: Economic Performance 2016 | ||
201-1 | Direct economic value generated and distributed | Fiscal year consolidated results |
201-2 | Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change | Disclosing information in line with TCFD recommendations (Published in December 2023) |
201-3 | Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans | 76th Securities Report p.87 *Japanese version only |
201-4 | Financial assistance received from government | |
202: Market Presence 2016 | ||
202-1 | Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage | |
202-2 | Proportion of senior management hired from the local community | |
203: Indirect Economic Impacts 2016 | ||
203-1 | Infrastructure investments and services supported | |
203-2 | Significant indirect economic impacts | |
204: Procurement Practices 2016 | ||
204-1 | Proportion of spending on local suppliers | |
205: Anti-corruption 2016 | ||
205-1 | Operations assessed for risks related to corruption | |
205-2 | Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures | |
205-3 | Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken | |
206: Anti-competitive Behavior 2016 | ||
206-1 | Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices | |
207: Tax 2019 | ||
207-1 | Approach to tax | |
207-2 | Tax governance, control, and risk management | Strengthening corporate governance |
207-3 | Stakeholder engagement and management of concerns related to tax | |
207-4 | Country-by-country reporting |
Indicator | Location | |
301: Materials 2016 | ||
301-1 | Materials used by weight or volume | |
301-2 | Recycled input materials used | |
301-3 | Reclaimed products and their packaging materials | |
302:Energy 2016 | ||
302-1 | Energy consumption within the organization | ESG Databank>E | Environment |
302-2 | Energy consumption outside of the organization | |
302-3 | Energy intensity | ESG Databank>E | Environment |
302-4 | Reduction of energy consumption | |
302-5 | Reductions in energy requirements of products and services | |
303:Water and Effluents 2018 | ||
303-1 | Interactions with water as a shared resource | |
303-2 | Management of water dischargerelated impacts | |
303-3 | Water withdrawal | ESG Databank>E | Environment |
303-4 | Water discharge | |
303-5 | Water consumption | ESG Databank>E | Environment |
304:Biodiversity 2016 | ||
304-1 | Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas | |
304-2 | Significant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversity | |
304-3 | Habitats protected or restored | |
304-4 | IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations | |
305:Emissions 2016 | ||
305-1 | Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions | ESG Databank>E | Environment |
305-2 | Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions | ESG Databank>E | Environment |
305-3 | Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions | Disclosing information in line with TCFD recommendations (Published in December 2023) |
305-4 | GHG emissions intensity | ESG Databank>E | Environment |
305-5 | Reduction of GHG emissions | |
305-6 | Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) | |
305-7 | Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions | |
306:Waste 2020 | ||
306-1 | Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts | |
306-2 | Management of significant waste-related impacts | |
306-3 | Waste generated | ESG Databank>E | Environment |
306-4 | Waste diverted from disposal | |
306-5 | Waste directed to disposal | |
308:Supplier Environmental Assessment 2018 | ||
308-1 | New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria | |
308-2 | Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken |
Indicator | Location | |
401:Employment 2016 | ||
401-1 | New employee hires and employee turnover | ESG Databank>S | Social |
401-2 | Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees | |
401-3 | Parental leave | ESG Databank>S | Social |
402: Labor/Management Relations 2016 | ||
402-1 | Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes | |
403:Occupational Health and Safety 2018 | ||
403-1 | Occupational health and safety management system | |
403-2 | Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation | Creating a Workplace that Promotes Job Satisfaction |
Strengthening corporate governance | ||
403-3 | Occupational health services | |
403-4 | Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety | |
403-5 | Worker training on occupational health and safety | Creating a Workplace that Promotes Job Satisfaction |
403-6 | Promotion of worker health | Creating a Workplace that Promotes Job Satisfaction |
403-7 | Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships | |
403-8 | Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system | |
403-9 | Work-related injuries | |
403-10 | Work-related ill health | |
404:Training and Education 2016 | ||
404-1 | Average hours of training per year per employee | |
404-2 | Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs | Hiring and developing outstanding human resourcs |
404-3 | Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews | Hiring and developing outstanding human resourcs |
405:Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016 | ||
405-1 | Diversity of governance bodies and employees | INTEGRATED REPORT 2023 p. 43 |
ESG Databank>S | Social | ||
405-2 | Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men | |
406:Non-discrimination 2016 | ||
406-1 | Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken | |
407:Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 2016 | ||
407-1 | Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk | |
408:Child Labor 2016 | ||
408-1 | Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor | |
409:Forced or Compulsory Labor 2016 | ||
409-1 | Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor | |
410:Security Practices 2016 | ||
410-1 | Security personnel trained in human rights policies or procedures | |
411: Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2016 | ||
411-1 | Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples | |
413:Local Communities 2016 | ||
413-1 | Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs | |
413-2 | Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities | |
414:Supplier Social Assessment 2016 | ||
414-1 | New suppliers that were screened using social criteria | |
414-2 | Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken | |
415: Public Policy 2016 | ||
415-1 | Political contributions | |
416:Customer Health and Safety 2016 | ||
416-1 | Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories | |
416-2 | Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services | |
417:Marketing and Labeling 2016 | ||
417-1 | Requirements for product and service information and labeling | About Product Labeling *Japanese version only |
417-2 | Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labeling | |
417-3 | Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications | |
418:Customer Privacy 2016 | ||
418-1 | Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data |
SASB Standards
FB-MPMeat, Poultry & Dairy
Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Gross global Scope 1 emissions | FB-MP-110a.1 | ESG Databank>E | Environment |
Discussion of long- and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets | FB-MP-110a.2 | ||
Energy Management | (1) Total energy consumed, (2) percentage grid electricity and (3) percentage renewable |
FB-MP-130a.1 | ESG Databank>E | Environment |
Water Management | (1) Total water withdrawn, (2) total water consumed; percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress | FB-MP-140a.1 | ESG Databank>E | Environment |
Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those risks | FB-MP-140a.2 | ||
Number of incidents of non-compliance associated with water quality permits, standards and regulations | FB-MP-140a.3 | ||
Land Use & Ecological Impacts | Amount of animal litter and manure generated, percentage managed according to a nutrient management plan | FB-MP-160a.1 | |
Percentage of pasture and grazing land managed to conservation plan criteria | FB-MP-160a.2 | ||
Animal protein production from confined animal feeding operations | FB-MP-160a.3 | ||
Food Safety | Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) audit (1) non-conformance rates and (2) associated corrective action rates for (a) major and (b) minor non-conformances |
FB-MP-250a.1 | |
Percentage of supplier facilities certified to a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) food safety certification programme | FB-MP-250a.2 | ||
(1) Number of recalls issued and (2) total weight of products recalled※1 | FB-MP-250a.3 | ||
Discussion of markets that ban imports of the entity’s products | FB-MP-250a.4 | ||
Antibiotic Use in Animal Production | Percentage of animal production that received (1) medically important antibiotics and (2) not medically important antibiotics, by animal type | FB-MP-260a.1 | |
Workforce Health & Safety | (1) Total recordable incident rate (TRIR) and (2) fatality rate for (a) direct employees and (b) contract employees | FB-MP-320a.1 | |
Description of efforts to assess, monitor, and mitigate acute and chronic respiratory health conditions | FB-MP-320a.2 | Materiality/Metrics and Targets *Japanese version only | |
Animal Care & Welfare | Percentage of pork produced without the use of gestation crates | FB-MP-410a.1 | Addressing animal welfare |
Percentage of cage-free shell egg sales | FB-MP-410a.2 | ||
Percentage of production certified to a third-party animal welfare standard | FB-MP-410a.3 | ||
Environmental & Social Impacts of Animal Supply Chain | Percentage of livestock from suppliers implementing conservation plan criteria | FB-MP-430a.1 | |
Percentage of supplier and contract production facilities verified to meet animal welfare standards | FB-MP-430a.2 | ||
Animal & Feed Sourcing | Percentage of animal feed sourced from regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress | FB-MP-440a.1 | |
Percentage of contracts with producers located in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress | FB-MP-440a.2 | ||
Discussion of strategy to manage opportunities and risks to feed sourcing and livestock supply presented by climate change | FB-MP-440a.3 | Disclosing information in line with TCFD recommendations | |
- | Number of processing and manufacturing facilities | FB-MP-000.A | Prima Meat Packers Group |
- | Animal protein production, by category; percentage outsourced2※2 | FB-MP-000.B |
- ※1 The disclosure shall include a description of notable recalls, such as those that affected a significant amount of product or those related to serious illnesses or fatalities.
- ※2 Categories of animal protein production may be based on animal (for example, chicken, pork or beef) or product type (for example, milk or shell eggs). Units of measure shall be appropriate to the animal or product category (for example, metric tonnes, number/head or litres).
FB-PF_Processed Foods
Energy Management | "(1) Total energy consumed, (2) percentage grid electricity and (3) percentage renewable" |
FB-PF-130a.1 | ESG Databank>E | Environment |
Water Management | (1) Total water withdrawn, (2) total water consumed; percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress | FB-PF-140a.1 | ESG Databank>E | Environment |
Number of incidents of non-compliance associated with water quality permits standards and regulations | FB-PF-140a.2 | ||
Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those risks | FB-PF-140a.3 | ||
Food Safety | Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) audit (1) non-conformance rates and (2) associated corrective action rates for (a) major and (b) minor non-conformances |
FB-PF-250a.1 | |
Percentage of ingredients sourced from Tier 1 supplier facilities certified to a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) recognised food safety certification programme | FB-PF-250a.2 | ||
(1) Total number of notices of food safety violation received, (2) percentage corrected | FB-PF-250a.3 | ||
(1) Number of recalls issued and (2) total amount of food product recalled 1※1 | FB-PF-250a.4 | ||
Health & Nutrition | Revenue from products labelled or marketed to promote health and nutrition attributes | FB-PF-260a.1 | |
Discussion of the process to identify and manage products and ingredients related to nutritional and health concerns among consumers | FB-PF-260a.2 | Securing safe, reliable foodHow Safe Food Arrives | |
Product Labelling & Marketing | Percentage of advertising impressions (1) made on children and (2) made on children promoting products that meet dietary guidelines ※2 | FB-PF-270a.1 | |
Revenue from products labelled as (1) containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and (2) non-GMO | FB-PF-270a.2 | ||
Number of incidents of non-compliance with industry or regulatory labelling or marketing codes | FB-PF-270a.3 | ||
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with labelling or marketing practices ※3 | FB-PF-270a.4 | ||
Packaging Lifecycle Management | (1) Total weight of packaging, (2) percentage made from recycled or renewable materials, and (3) percentage that is recyclable, reusable, or compostable | FB-PF-410a.1 | |
Discussion of strategies to reduce the environmental impact of packaging throughout its lifecycle | FB-PF-410a.2 | ||
Environmental & Social Impacts of Ingredient Supply Chain | Percentage of food ingredients sourced that are certified to third-party environmental or social standards, and percentages by standard | FB-PF-430a.1 | |
Suppliers’ social and environmental responsibility audit (1) non-conformance rate and (2) associated corrective action rate for (a) major and (b) minor nonconformances | FB-PF-430a.2 | ||
Ingredient Sourcing | Percentage of food ingredients sourced from regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress | FB-PF-440a.1 | |
List of priority food ingredients and discussion of sourcing risks related to environmental and social considerations | FB-PF-440a.2 | ||
- | Weight of products sold | FB-PF-000.A | |
- | Number of production facilities | FB-PF-000.B | Prima Meat Packers Group |
- ※1 The disclosure shall include a description of notable recalls, such as those that affected a significant amount of product or those related to serious illnesses or fatalities.
- ※2 The disclosure shall include the applicable dietary guidelines and the method used to estimate advertising impressions.
- ※3 The entity shall briefly describe the nature, context and any corrective actions taken because of monetary losses.
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